Leading Classification for Offshore Wind Projects
With more than 70 years of experience in the offshore sector, we understand owners' and operators' need to enhance operational efficiencies with sustainable energy solutions.
ABS can assist in all phases of a project development, from concept development, design, manufacturing, installation and decommissioning.
- ABS certified the first semisubmersible offshore wind turbine WindFloat I
- ABS classed the world's largest floating wind turbine Windfloat Atlantic
- ABS classed Kincardine, the world’s largest floating offshore wind farm when installed
Developing Global Standards for Offshore Wind
- ABS has been instrumental in the formulation of global standards for wind platforms, notably working with the International Electrical Commission, IEC, on global standards for the design and fabrication of floating wind installations.
- ABS is also heavily involved in the initiative to develop an ANSI standard for U.S. Offshore Wind Farms. This initiative was started under the American Wind Energy Association (AWEA) but is now under The American Clean Power Association (ACP).