Material manufacturers produce a range of materials that are applied within the offshore and marine industries. ABS approval can be granted to ABS-grade or non-ABS grade materials manufactured to other specifications such as EN, ASTM, other applicable industry standards or proprietary specifications that may be used for structures and components governed by classification requirements. The ABS Material Manufacturer Approval process requires ABS Engineering to review the steel-making process and qualification of materials. The manufacturing processes are verified through an ABS surveyor conducted plant audit. ABS offers both product and process approval covering either individual product review or process certification to confirm that manufacturing is done in accordance with ABS Rules.
Material Manufacturer facility types required by ABS Rules to be approved are as follows:
- Steel, Aluminum, and Pipe (Structural) Mills
- Forge
- Foundry
- Tailshaft (Repair and Cladding)
- Ship Anchor Chain and accessories
- Offshore Mooring Chain and accessories
- Heat Treatment Facility
- Rolled Bar-Machinery
- Welding Consumables
- Additive Manufacturing.