
Approval and Certification

Easy, Efficient Approval and Certification

Whatever your approval and certification needs are, our simplified process gets you what you need quickly and efficiently. Our global team includes accomplished surveyors and engineers whose expertise can assist with your approval and certification needs. Join more than 6,000 other companies in our global ABS-approved databases. 


Explore Approval and Certification

Type Approval

Design verification and manufacturing assessments to meet industry standards

Material Manufacturers

Process and product approval programs for materials manufacturers

Service Suppliers

Approval of specialized capabilities for equipment manufacturers, shipyards and vessel owners to support classification or statutory surveys, equipment manufacturing, inspection, testing and maintenance activities

EU Marine Equipment Directive

Assessment and approval to demonstrate conformance with EU Marine Equipment Directive

EU Mutual Recognition

European union mutual recognition for manufacturers

Container Certification Services

Third-party container certification to meet international standards and regulations

Periodic Container Inspection

Inspection services to existing containers certified to efficiently trade within various modes of transport

EN 10204 Type 3.2 Certification

Third-party verification of non-class materials to global and industry standards

Welding and NDE Testing

Services to witness welding procedures and qualifications for various industry standards

Independent Lab for USCG

Services to witness production tests and inspections and supervise prototype construction to meet United States Coast Guard standards

Statement of Compliance

Third-party verification of non-class equipment and components



Remote Surveys and Audits

Getting Started with Remote Surveys and Audits


Existing ABS clients can create a new account and order all eligible surveys remotely through the ABS MyFreedom™ Client Portal. Once the survey or audit requests are submitted along with supporting information, an ABS surveyor reviews the request to ensure all criteria are met, including Flag State approval when necessary. Clients then have the option to interact within a mobile-friendly environment to easily capture and transmit all required videos, images and documentation while onboard in both a connected and disconnected environment that sync seamlessly. This allows you to order and conduct your remote surveys and audits – Anytime. Anywhere. Any Way.