The International Maritime Organization (IMO) requires that all new bulk carriers and oil tankers, 150m in length or above and contracted after July 1, 2016, store critical ship construction drawings and related intellectual property (IP) in a Goal Based Standard (GBS) compliant Ship Construction File (SCF). To support industry compliance, ABS developed a cloud-based, secure platform, the ABS SCF Archive, which helps owners and operators meet the IMO requirements.
The ABS SCF Archive offers a robust platform that simplifies the compliance process and provides IP holders with the confidence that their files are securely stored and can be used on both ABS-classed and non-ABS classed vessels. All documents stored in the ABS SCF Archive are uploaded as either ‘on board’ or ‘on shore’, based on the IMO requirements, by the IP holder and remain only accessible by those with access rights.
The process to upload and securely receive the stored documents is simple for the user, yet still meets the high-level security expectations put in place by the IMO and expected by the IP holder.
The SCF should be updated throughout the ship’s life at any major event, including but not limited to, substantial repair and conversion, or any modification to the ship’s structure.
Learn more about how ABS can help you comply with the IMO’s GBS-SCF standard and securely store your IP by contacting your local ABS engineering office.